Organizational structure of the library:
Central Library Services:
The Central Library of the University is formed of four services that have been identified in Article 21 of the Ministerial Decree dated on Rajab 08th, 1425 BC corresponding to August 24th, 2004, setting for the administrative organization of the university Directorate and Faculties attached to it.
1-Selection Service:
This service is concerned with the process of selection from its beginning till the reception of new books and its record. This service is interested to follow updates of new publishing in disciplines taught at the University, and ensures the preparation of lists of books to be picked up each year in coordination with faculty depending on readers’ requests, taking into account the various Statistics recorded about the most borrowed items to buy it. Amongst its functions as well is recording new selections on a regular basis.
2-Treatment Service:
This service deals with proposals and implementations of the most effective ways to treat documents and apply technical and professional operations. It is interested in indexing and listing documents according to bibliographic description and listing standards internationally recognized.
3-Bibliographical Research Service:
This service ensuresusers toupgradebibliographicsearch andassist themin completingtheir research. This is done throughcontinuousupdatingof the listsof participation inscientific journals, the preparation ofevidenceand researchclues, and workon training users to do research in the references available.
4-Guidance Service
This service mission is not limitedin directingusers to use theLibrary only, but also to accompany them in theprocess of doing research and put all necessary things at their disposal. It alsoprovides statistics andinformation on the documents consulted by readers.